MuffinButtons by Erica Schultz Yakovetz

I have a 1" button maker, and I'm not afraid to use it!
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$1.25 each; free shipping on 6 or more! Custom buttons available.

Powered by PayPal. You can also order via snail-mail.
Button Topics: Jewish | Geek | Fannish | Harry Potter | Kingdom of Loathing | Cultural | Offbeat | Love/Sex/Romance | Artsy | Writing | Adjectives | Custom

Jewish buttons

shabbat shalom, mother f*cker [from The Hebrew Hammer]
SHASHMAF [shin-shin-mem-fey = acronym in Hebrew for the above]
shomer f*ckin' shabbos [from The Big Lebowski]
nice Jewish boy
nice Jewish boy
nice Jewish boy
nice Jewish girl
nice Jewish girl
nice Jewish girl
certified kosher

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